Partners for Racial Justice

UUCL’s Partners for Racial Justice works to educate its members and the congregation about Racial Justice; to make UUCL a more welcoming and inclusive congregation for people of color; and to help UUCL make a bigger impact on racial justice issues in Lexington and Kentucky.

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A special focus of Partners is to support and coordinate with other groups and individuals in Lexington and Kentucky who are working for racial justice. Partners for Racial Justice is a collaborative organization. The agenda for monthly meetings is open for additions from any member. Meetings are generally held the second Sunday of every month, but will be announced.

In addition, our congregation gives away our Sunday offering once each month to a local organization nominated and selected by our membership. These organizations are nonprofits that reflect our continued commitment to support progressive causes. This is just one way we can show our generosity and support for the worthy causes our congregation supports!

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As we engage the topic of racial justice as a congregation, and join with our Unitarian Universalist siblings across the nation in this conversation and justice work, we know that many among us have questions and a desire to learn more. Our commitments to justice are also commitments to learn, grow, and challenge ourselves. Please take a look at the resources below. Share them with friends, family, other UUs, and those who have questions about why we are saying, as a congregation, Black Lives Matter.

This is important work and the dialogue continues. This page will be updated as we find more resources or they are sent to us by members of the congregation/community.

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Artwork by Judy Hower and Stacey Stone